“I loved the ski trips and being able to teach kids and show them something they never thought existed.That experience alone can be life-changing and can boost someone’s confidence. Being in the city is great but sometimes you feel the whole world is in your two city blocks. We have to show them that there is a world out there that is big, that is challenging.”
2. How has YES influenced your life?
“It definitely has been an inspiration for me –YES has taught me how to respect the environment, discipline, and to keep getting out of my comfort zone and meeting different people with different perspectives.”
3. How would you encourage other YES alumni to get involved with YES?
“The organization has grown not just from a participant stand point. There are many events they can get involved in from the YES Gala to the Boston Harbor Cruise and the YES Trivia Night in February. To stay up to date, they can also join our Facebook group: the YES Alumni Circle!”
4. Why do you think it is important that YES alumni stay involved?
“It’s important to better connect the old generations at YES with the new generations. Connecting YES generations helps preserve the mission. YES alumni can share their experiences with new generations, who are going through those experiences for the first time. They can also serve as role models for the YES youth. They were YES kids too in the past, and look at where they are today.”