Find the college that is right for YOU at our April Vacation College Tour!
We will visit seven colleges/universities throughout the New England and Pennsylvania area including::
Amherst College (MA), Lincoln College of New England (CT), The Lincoln University (PA, HBCU), Bryn Mawr College (PA, women’s college/ Haverford College (PA)
…..and to finish off the tour, you will visit Six Flags for the day!
To come on the April Vacation College Tour, download an application here, fill it out and return it to College Prep Fellow, Allison Zacarias with your $50 deposit by April 1st!
There are two required pre-tour meetings as well as one required pre-tour meeting for all parents/guardians. Please see the application for the meeting dates. The $50 deposit is due April 1st and the full $100 payment is due by April 13th.