On Road 25 or 50 Mile BIKE
The bike will travel through the towns of Hingham, Cohasset, Scituate, and Norwell with Police details throughout the course.
Start Location: Wompatuck State Park, Hingham, MA
6:30 am Registration
7:30 am 50 Mile Bike
8:30 am 25 Mile Bike
Off Road 12 Mile Mt. BIKE
Off Road 12 Mile BIKE
The 12 Mile Bike will stay in the Park and travel through the already well established trails.
8:30 am 12 Mile Off Road Bike
5K Fun Run
5K (3.1 Mile) “Fun” Run
The Fun Run will take place within the park on the walking trails and will be well marked.
Start Location: Wompatuck State Park, Hingham, MA
8:00 am Registration
9:00 am 5K (3.1 Mile) Fun Run
5K (3.1Mile) Walk
The walk will take place within the park on the walking trails and will be well marked.
For more details, visit The Tour de South Shore Event Webpage
At the end of the event, there will be lunch, cold beverages, and entertainment. A time not to be missed! The event will occur, rain or shine!