YES youth have been able to stay virtually connected thanks to our staff and volunteers. A variety of fun and challenging outdoor experiences, virtual leadership development workshops, and ways to connect with each other were offered to youth of all ages. The goal of these programs was to remain connected during this time apart and continue to offer youth and teens enriching activities.
Weekly Workout Challenges
YES youth stayed active at home with video workout challenges! Workouts were based in the principles of track and field and offered youth drills to improve strength, speed, and endurance.
Community Workouts with Julia Ford
Olympic skier, elite athlete, coach, and long-time YES supporter, Julia Ford hosted three virtual workout sessions for the YES community. Workouts were recorded and are now available on the YES website for families to view. Workouts are 45-minute long and appropriate for all ages. Julia leads you through internal exercises to get you moving and have fun!
Outdoor Scavenger Hunt
A YES scavenger hunt came to a park near you! Youth got outside, explored, and found the sidewalk chalk messages from YES! Parks were located in Dorchester, Mattapan, Roxbury, South Boston, Jamaica Plain, and Roslindale. Scavenger hunts were set up weekly and could be completed any time throughout the day.
Environmental and Nature Arts
YES youth had the opportunity to express their thoughts, feelings, and voice through works of art and identify as an environmental artist. They learned how to design and create face coverings, natural sculptures, 2D and 3D models, and prints. They explored their connection with the natural world and daily environment through the techniques of paper cutting, printmaking, and model building! The program concluded with a virtual showcase to share everyone’s artwork.
Youth had a unique opportunity join a virtual chess class. They received an introduction to the game, interacted weekly with a new group of peers, improved self-confidence, practiced how to be better winners and losers!
The 30-Minute Nature Challenge
YES youth took on this weekly challenge and tested their ability to complete the challenge as they enjoyed the outdoors and connected with nature. Instructional videos were posted on the YES website weekly and youth had the weekend to complete the challenge.
Leadership Corps Virtual Spring Session
YES teens participated in an eight-week virtual Leadership Corps program. Workshops focused on leadership development, resume building, interview prep, effective communication, group facilitation, conflict resolution, and more. Teens practiced planning and facilitation skills and also participated in a virtual Networking Night over Zoom.
Leadership Corps Friday Chat
Hosted on Zoom, YES teens had a weekly opportunity to get together virtually to socialize, play games, and check-in with each other.