Applications for Operations SnowSports Volunteers are now closed. Contact [email protected] for more information.
Operation SnowSports is the largest program at YES where youth are inspired and challenged through skiing and snowboarding – many for the very first time! We welcome a diverse group of applicants from all backgrounds and ability levels from intermediate/advanced skiers and riders who want to teach, to enthusiastic community members who want to help, role model and learn. Roles for beginner skiers, snowboarders and parents aim to engage 90% people of color and parents roles have flexible commitment options.
Find which role is right for you and apply through the links below!
Downhill Ski and Snowboard Volunteer
Down Hill Volunteer Commitment:

- Mandatory Training and Orientation
- 3 or more Saturday or Sunday trips from January to March
- Work in the YES Ski Rental Shop 3 times per month
Ski and Snowboard Coaches: (Adults 18+) Snow sport enthusiasts who want to teach Boston youth how to ski or snowboard on three or more trips.
YETTI Ski and Snowboard Coaches: (Adults 18+) Snow sport enthusiasts who want to teach the same group of skiers and snowboarders all winter long on four predetermined trip days.
Learn and Teach Volunteers: (Adults 18+) Beginners who want to role model for youth, support coaches with behavior management, boost young people’s confidence and learn the sport with the kids. This role aims to engage 90% people of color.
Activity Captains: Adults (21+) with large group (45-55 people) leadership skills. Duties include supervising the pre and post-trip responsibilities at YES, acting as the YES liaison with ski patrol and mountain staff, problem solving and group management.
Emergency Vehicle Drivers: Adults (21+) with clean driving records willing to drive a YES vehicle to and from mountain destinations in NH, VT, ME, and MA, act as the YES point person during medical emergencies and transport youth and adults as needed.
Cross Country Volunteers Commitment:

- Mandatory Training and Orientation in December
- Every Monday or Thursday from January to March
Cross Country Ski Chaperones: Active adults (18+) and positive role models who want to learn how to Cross Country Ski or assist in coaching.
Activity Captains: Adults (21+) with group leadership skills. Duties include supervising the pre and post-trip responsibilities at YES, acting as the YES liaison with Weston Ski Track, problem solving and group management.
Adult Volunteer Perks:
- Low-cost instructor training clinic
- Free transportation to and from mountain
- Free lift tickets on volunteer days
- Free seasonal equipment rental from YES
- Reasonably priced equipment packages
- Last Run Volunteer Appreciation Weekend